Thoughts on Time
is eternal, with
no beginning or end.
Once we are born, our timer starts ticking. From birth, to growth, to death and even after that. Similar to seasons changing, and seeds to plants and flowers. All these things have a cycle in common, but more importantly I think what connects everything in life is T-I-M-E.
We all know that there is a beginning and a end to our life. As we grow throughout life, we measure our time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and finally years. We also may measure in bigger sections, past, present and future, but I sometimes forget that time is eternal. It has no true beginning or end. Time moves, time moves regardless of any one thing. Nothing can really stop it. YOUR time may stop, but the true meaning of time never stops and continually moves at a steady pace.
Time is a free force. No matter what it doesn’t wait for anything or anyone. You never get back a lost minute. Time is free. When people say there is nothing in life that is free, you can tell them time has no price. Some say time is flying and once it flies it never returns. Time has no owner, just users. Time can’t be kept, but can be spent. Once again if you lose time, you can never get it back. Time can be the best medicine if people used it. Time can heal and time can recuperate you. The touch and impact of time has is absolutely stunning to me. Time is given to grow, experience and learn.
The lesson to learn is that time has a wonderful way to show us what matters. Time can teach us anything. If you get anything from this piece, I would hope it is that your deepest darkest moments or worse times will pass, along with the greatest most memorable moments ever, all things will pass in the essence of time. Time continues its course, stop yourself when you are having the worst day or the best day and remember it goes on.
Lastly, for those who do not appreciate time or understand the importance of it, try to because time affects us all. Wasting your time, is wasting YOU. Spending your time doing nothing is only going to harm YOU. The ones who go through life thinking of how to spend their time, versus the ones who make use of time will fill there time full of measurable moments.
Look at the clock today. Be on time today and don’t let your time slip away today, because it goes so fast that you won’t catch it. Soon today will be yesterday and tomorrow will be today.
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